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baghouse dust collectors

Common Problems

Possible Cause Solution
Malfunction of bag cleaning System Check all cleaning system components
Ineffective cleaning Modify cleaning cycle
Re-entrainment of dust in collector due to low density material or inleakage at discharge Check discharge valves Lower A/C Ratio
Wetting of bags Control dew point excursions
Dry bags with clean air
Clean bags or replace
Too high A/C ratio Verify gas volume
Possible Cause Solution
Lines(s) plugged Blow back thru lines
Protect sensing point from dust or water build-up
Incorporate auto-purging system in sensing lines
If copper lines – air purge them yearly – could get moisture trapped
Manometer line(s) broken or uncoupled Inspect and repair
Possible Cause Solution
Bag permeability increase Test bag
Check cleaning energy/ cycle and reduce if possible
Clean to dirty plenum leakage Inspect and repair
Change of inlet conditions Test & Review
Possible Cause Solution
High pressure drop across the bag house See “High Collector Pressure Drop” above
Low system fan speed Check drive system increase speed
Improper duct balancing Rebalance system
Plugged duct lines Clean out
Poor hood design Evaluate temporary modifications and implement
Possible Cause Solution
Inleakage at discharge points Inspect and repair seals or valves
Malfunction of discharge valve, screw conveyor or material transfer equipment Inspect and repair
Re-entrainment of dust with in collector Check for leaks at discharge or hopper
Retainment of dust on filter bags Increase cleaning
Possible Cause
Improper paint material or Application
Improper insulation
Emission of nearby equipment
Dew point excursions
Improper shutdowns
Possible Cause
Vibrations or banging of moving parts
Squealing of belt drives

Dust Collector Maintenance

Maintain daily pressure drop readings on graph
Keep bag location replacement chart
Watch for consistent bag failures and retain typical bag for inspection
Retain bags that have unusual or noncharacteristic failures
Maintain an adequate supply of bags, cages and Diffusers to avoid costly production delays
Check pressure drop across baghouse
Check header air pressure
Drain header
Check air lock for operation and leaks
Rap hopper with rubber hammer to avoid bridging and build up
Visually inspect stack
Check temperature gauges (know bag limitations: temperature)
Inspect tubesheet for dust accumulation, corrosion and evidence of condensation
Visually inspect bags for blinding, leakage and wear. When possible perform Trace-It leak detection test
Check timer control for operation and proper pulse sequence and duration
Clean pressure gauge taps with compressed air
Check foundation bolts, housings and belts on fans and motors
Check inlet air flow into baghouse
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