Global Baghouse Solutions with Manufacturing Capabilities from our Headquarters in North Carolina
Your baghouse can be serviced, updated, or manufactured throughout North America, and in some cases throughout the globe, using Staclean’s Smart-Parts Package.

American Company
Staclean is a proud American company that is based in the city of Salisbury, North Carolina, and is 100% committed to manufacturing in North America to ensure quality and provide jobs that help our communities.
easy maintenance
Pulse-Jet Baghouses & Dust Collectors
Talking with customers about Staclean Diffusers gave us a wealth of experience in troubleshooting baghouse operations in a variety of industrial settings. We learned what makes baghouses run smoothly and efficiently, and what makes them easy to maintain. The logical next step was to design and fabricate The Reliable Baghouse.
Why Choose Our Services?
Our success at improving existing systems by installing Staclean Diffusers has given us the opportunity to examine many baghouse operations. Coupled with our own experience with baghouses, this has given us considerable insight into the design and effective operation of a variety of baghouses in a wide range of applications.
Custom features are readily available. Sized to fit your needs, Staclean constructs collectors from 500 CFM to 100,000 CFM. We can design for the most demanding environments, plus we can fit your existing space and go through your doors.
Industries Served
- Cement
- Concrete Products
- Aggregates
- Minerals and Mining
- Industrial Processing
- Plastics
- Paper Products
- Food Industry
- Pharmaceuticals
- Recycling
- Specialty Chemicals
- Industrial Machinery